WPCI mourns Granger’s passing

Woman’s Press Club of Indiana mourns the loss of longtime member Fred Granger, 78, who died Nov. 9 in Hudsonville, Michigan.

Granger had served as chair of the Education Fund, which supports the club’s scholarship program. He joined WPCI at the urging of his wife, Elizabeth Granger, who had been a member for many years previously. She has served as president, vice president and high school communications contest director for the club.

A retired teacher, Granger was an avid photographer who documented many of the club’s events and activities. He also served as auctioneer for the club’s annual auction to raise funds for the Education Fund. Many times, Granger incited lively bidding wars with his humorous descriptions of items and quick wit.

In his retirement, Granger accompanied his wife, a retired teacher and freelance travel writer, on many reporting trips around the Midwest, often photographing the places and people they encountered.

The Grangers had recently relocated to Michigan. Elizabeth Granger continues her membership and service to WPCI from her new home.

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