WPCI Bylaws (2011-2023)

Woman’s Press Club of Indiana Bylaws

(As amended March 2011)


The name of this non-profit organization shall be Woman’s Press Club of Indiana, hereinafter referred to as WPCI.

ARTICLE II: Objectives

The objective of WPCI shall be to advance the professional standards of persons in mass communication, to provide exchange of ideas concerning communication and related experiences, and to coordinate efforts of state and national interests to communicators.

ARTICLE III: Membership

Section 1

Members shall consist of professionals in communications whose interests and work are germane to the objectives of WPCI and its affiliated national organization, the National Federation of Press Women Inc., hereinafter referred to as NFPW.

Section 2

A. Membership shall consist of active, student, retired and honorary.

B. Any member may attend meetings of the organization and may be extended the courtesy of the floor. Only active members may hold the office of WPCI president and first vice president and represent WPCI as a delegate to NFPW conventions. Members emeritus and honored emeritus members may propose, second or vote on WPCI motions, hold elected or appointed office, except WPCI president and first vice president, and be counted for WPCI quorums and counted in membership totals for NFPW delegate allocations.

C. Qualified applicants must apply for dual membership in WPCI and NFPW.

D. Members may hold membership in another state affiliate but pay NFPW dues, hold office and enter communications contests in only one affiliate.

E. Members who resign in writing from WPCI, for good cause, while in good standing, may be reinstated by the Board of Directors without requalifying by payment of current dues. If dues were in arrears at the time of resignation, the member shall pay a reinstatement fee of $5 in addition to current dues.

Section 3. Active Members

A. Active members are those who are actively engaged in any aspect of communications.

Section 4. Student Members

A. Student members are those enrolled full-time in a college or university communications program or related field, or working in the communications field. Students applying for membership will be eligible for student membership for one year following college graduation. After that time, they must meet qualifications for active membership.

B. Student members shall be accorded all rights and privileges of WPCI membership and participate in the WPCI/NFPW Communications Contest, but shall not hold the offices of president or first president, except at the discretion of the board of directors. Shall be allowed to vote.

Section 5. Members Emeritus

A. Any member in good standing at least five years who retires from full-time professional employment and does not receive substantial remuneration from media communications work may choose to become a retired member and elect to pay reduced NFPW membership dues.

B. Retirees shall be accorded all rights and privileges of WPCI membership, including propose, second or vote on motions, participate in the WPCI/NFPW Communications Contest, and be counted in membership totals for delegation allocations, and may hold WPCI elected or appointed office except that of president and first vice president, and shall be restricted to NFPW privileges only as outlined in NFPW Bylaws.

C. Active members who qualify for retiree status may choose to retain active membership status at full NFPW and WPCI dues rate.

Section 6. Honorary Members

A. WPCI may confer honorary membership on individuals it desires to recognize for meritorious achievement.

Nominations may be submitted by WPCI members and will be reviewed by and subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

B. Honorary members do not pay dues but may attend meetings, be extended the courtesy of the floor and receive WPCI official publications as deemed appropriate and feasible by the Executive Board.

Section 7. Membership Application

Candidates for active membership shall make application to the first vice president in charge of membership, enclosing the following:

  • (a) Complete professional biographical data on WPCI’s membership application form. This shall be signed by the candidate’s employer and sponsor;
  • (b) Three samples of work published within the past year. (Authors of books should submit one sample of a book or tear sheets or photocopies of three articles or short stories);
  • (c) Enclose membership dues payable to National Federation of Press Women with application;
  • (d) The Membership Committee shall review all applications, either accepting or rejecting the applicant’s petition for membership.
  • (e) Those accepted by the Membership Committee shall be referred to the Board of Directors at a meeting for which all board members have been notified well in advance. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the board members present shall be adequate for approval. During the winter months when WPCI meetings are not held, membership acceptance may be handled through balloting by mail.
  • (f) Names of candidates accepted by the Membership Committee shall be presented to the membership, either before or after board approval, by publication of a summary of the applicant’s qualifications and name of sponsor in The Bulletin or by reading of the names and qualifications of prospective candidates at a regular meeting of the membership, whichever comes first.
  • (g) One week after membership notification, if no objections have been received from any member by the first vice president, the applicant, approved by the board, shall be notified by the first vice president in charge of membership, who shall forward the applicant’s dues to NFPW and notify the WPCI treasurer.

Section 7. Application for Student Membership

Candidates shall make application to the first vice president in charge of membership, enclosing the following:

  • Complete biographical data on WPCI’s membership form. The biographical data should include the student’s communication/media curriculum, and the level of the curriculum the student is currently enrolled in, plus the name of the college or university program.
  • Signatures of the sponsor must be accompanied by the signature of either the college/university communications department head or journalism professor identified by appropriate title.
  • Membership shall become effective upon payment of state and national dues.
ARTICLE IV: Officers

Section 1.

The following officers shall be elected to serve a two-year term: president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary. They shall be eligible for immediate re-election to the same office for one consecutive term.

Section 2.

The treasurer shall be elected to subsequent two-year terms.

Section 3.

The president shall be an active member and shall have served as an elected official and/or director of a major committee or workshop prior to being nominated to this office.

Section 4.

The president shall appoint a three-member Nominating Committee at a meeting preceding the annual March meeting. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers with at least one name for each office.

Section 5.

All candidates on the slate shall be active members in good standing. The names of the candidates shall be circulated through 30 days prior to the annual meeting.

Section 6.

The election of officers shall take place at the annual meeting in March.

Section 7.

Nominations for officers may also be made from the floor at the annual business meeting, provided the nominee has given consent to be placed in nomination and is a member in good standing and meets all the qualifications for the office.

Section 8.

If there are two or more candidates for any office, the election shall be by secret ballot.

Section 9.

A majority vote of those present shall be required for election.

Section 10.

The newly elected officers shall take office at the close of the May meeting.

Section 11.

A vacancy in the office of the president shall be filled for the unexpired term by the vice president.

Section 12.

Vacancies in other elected offices shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the president with the approval of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE V: Meetings

Section 1.

WPCI shall hold a minimum of four meetings a year in September, November, March and May. Members shall be notified prior to each meeting.

Section 2.

The Board of Directors will meet at the discretion of the president.

Section 3.

The annual business meeting shall be in March.

Section 4.

Additional meetings of the membership may be called at the discretion of the president with the concurrence of the Board of Directors.

Section 5.

At least two meetings during the year shall be geographically held outside the Indianapolis area insofar as possible.

Section 6.

A quorum shall be defined as 10 percent of the membership.

ARTICLE VI: Financial Matters

Section 1.

The organization fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30 inclusive.

Section 2.

The organization budget shall be approved by the Board of Directors and may be amended by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Dues

A. The amount of dues for each membership category shall be determined by the WPCI governing body and approved by two-thirds vote of members at the annual meeting in March. Notice of any proposed change of dues is to be published to all members 30 days prior to the March meeting. Actual dues amounts will be listed in the organization’s Standing Rules.

Section 4. Special Funds

A. The organization shall support a separate Education Fund, a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization under the FDIC Code, a corporation contribution which is deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of the code, Woman’s Press Club of Indiana Education Fund Inc. directed by the WPCIEFI Board of Directors.

ARTICLE VII: Governing Body

Section 1.

The elected officers are the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee, appointed officials, chairman and co-chairman of standing committees, the two immediate past presidents, and any members of WPCI who are officers of the national organization or members of national committees.

Section 2.

The Board of Directors shall promote the objectives of this organization, shall have management and control of its affairs and funds, coordinate the work of state committees, and transact general business of the organization between meetings of the general membership.

Section 3.

Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the president.

Section 4.

A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of the board.

ARTICLE VIII: Executive Committee

Section 1.

The executive committee shall consist of the president, vice president, secretary, two past presidents and treasurer. The parliamentarian shall act as an advisor with no vote.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall act for the Board of Directors between meetings of the board in making decisions that will expedite matters of emergency.

Section 3.

All members of the Executive Committee must be polled and a two-thirds majority will be necessary for emergency decisions.

Section 4.

The Executive Committee may recommend additional policies for expediting business matters for the good of WPCI.

ARTICLE IX: Duties of the Officers

Section 1.

All officers shall perform the normal duties of office herein specified and shall perform these duties in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised). Details of each officer’s duties shall be provided in the WPCI Leadership Manual at the beginning of a new term of office.

Section 2.

The president shall preside at all meetings and shall issue all official calls for such meetings. The president shall appoint parliamentarian and committee chairmen. Appointees shall continue to serve at the discretion of the president.

Section 3.

The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.

Section 4.

Vice president will assume a director/coordinator role for those committees reporting to him or her. He or she should make use of the committee system approach, both for membership involvement and training of future members for leadership roles.

The elected officers will name committee chairs and ask the committee chairs who report to them to serve in this capacity.

Section 5.

The vice president shall perform the duties of the president in the president’s absence and shall serve as director of the Membership Committee and other committees assigned by the president.

As membership chairman, the vice president is responsible for checking eligibility and relaying the information to the Communications Contest chairman, and keeping a card file of members and dues paid.

The vice president shall keep the treasurer informed of membership changes. The first vice president shall also be responsible for the compiling of information and the printing of the WPCI Yearbook.

Section 6.

The secretary shall keep the minutes and attendance record of all meetings of WPCI, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors and provide the president with copies of all minutes.

The secretary shall serve as liaison for committee chairs for Education and Youth Projects, and On the Job with Media Pro.

Section 7.

The treasurer shall receive all monies belonging to WPCI; make a financial report of each regular meeting, keep an itemized record of all receipts and disbursements, and shall be responsible for state and federal government reports of both WPCI and its Education Fund.

  • (a) The treasurer and the president shall be bonded as required by the Board of Directors.
  • (b) The treasurer shall submit WPCI’s books for an audit at the close of the fiscal year.
  • (c) All bills shall be given to the treasurer, who will fill out a voucher for the bill.
ARTICLE X: Committees

Section 1.

The major committees shall be Membership, Program and Special Projects or Workshops.

*A. The Kate Milner Rabb Award will be presented at the discretion of the Executive Committee, and selection will be made by the Awards Committee. It is the highest award given by WPCI.

*B. The Woman’s Press Club of Indiana member whose name is to be submitted as the Indiana nominee for the National Federation of Press Women’s Communicator of Achievement will be announced and honored at the May meeting.

In advance, the awards committee is to submit in writing its selection with a one-page letter highlighting credentials for approval of the Executive Board and/or president prior to the meeting.

It is recommended that the WPCI nominee of COA honor agree to attend the NFPW-COA event. A nomination for NFPW-COA award need not be made each year to national unless the committee names an individual nominated by members in a given year. This is the highest award given by NFPW and should not be confused with the WPCI highest award, the Kate Milner Rabb Award.

Section 2.

Standing committees shall be determined by the Executive Committee as needed.

Section 3.

Standing committees and chairmen shall be appointed by the president.

Section 4.

Members of the Program, Membership and Special Projects/Workshop committees shall be appointed by the president in cooperation with respective vice presidents who serve as chairmen for each of these committee.

Section 5.

Standing and special committee chairmen shall be members of the Board of Directors.

Section 6.

Special committees may be appointed as needed to carry out the plans authorized through motions for the good of WPCI.

Section 7.

Duties of the major standing and special committees shall be outlined in the officer’s manual. Officers and chairmen of the standing and special committees shall submit suggestions by April 1 to the president for inclusion in the WPCI Leadership Manual for annual revision.

Section 8.

A complete copy of the WPCI Leadership Manual shall be distributed to each elected officer and each appointed chairman of a standing or special committee.

Section 9.

To participate in the state and national Communications Contest, one must pay the annual dues for the year covered by the contest, except for new members as per Article II, Section 5.

ARTICLE XI: Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.

Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern WPCI.

ARTICLE XII: Amendments

Section 1.

These Bylaws may be amended at the annual meeting in March by a two-thirds vote of members present, providing a notice was given with the call for the meeting.

Section 2.

Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted to the Executive Committee for review then circulated to members at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting.

ARTICLE XIII: Dissolution

Section 1.

Upon dissolution of WPCI, the officers shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of the remaining assets of the corporation to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or scientific purposes which at the time qualify as exempt.